23/ 25 Ecroyd Street, Lomeshaye Village

23/ 25 Ecroyd Street, Lomeshaye Village
23/ 25 Ecroyd Street, Lomeshaye Village
23/ 25 Ecroyd Street, Lomeshaye Village
23/ 25 Ecroyd Street, Lomeshaye Village
Named after the family who build Lomeshaye Mill. These were weaver's cottages for the adjacent Mill.
This was one of the first Industrial revolution Mills in the area and was well positioned for the trading along the Leeds Liverpool canal. In the 1850s the railway came through Marsden, and later mills were constructed nearer to the new station, and hence, unlike the mass expansion of Hibson, Lomeshaye never grew any larger than a few short streets.
Photographic print
N1 Ecroyd St
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