Caton Lune Bridge, Crook o' Lune, Caton

Caton Lune Bridge, Crook o' Lune, Caton
Caton Lune Bridge, Crook o' Lune, Caton
Caton Lune Bridge, Crook o' Lune, Caton
Caton Lune Bridge, Crook o' Lune, Caton
The bridge in the picture is Caton Lune Bridge, with Crook O'Lune East Viaduct in the background. The nickname 'Penny Bridge' applies to Halton Station Bridge, which was constructed by the railway company to provide a link between the village of Halton on the north bank of the Lune and the railway station on the south bank. It was known as the 'Penny Bridge' because that was the toll to cross. Maybe there was confusion locally and the nickname has migrated from one bridge to the other or simply an error on the part of the postcard publisher. The bridge opened for road traffic in 1883.
13.5 x 8.5
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