Town Centre, Leeds Road

Town Centre, Leeds Road
Town Centre, Leeds Road
Town Centre, Leeds Road
Town Centre, Leeds Road
Taken from Manchester Road, looking down Leeds Road towards New Scotland Road.
The National & Provincial Building Society is in the centre of the image.
The Bank building was built in 1913 by Union Bank on the site of some small shops including a hosier, fruit shop and a fishmonger.
It was built 200 yards further back to widen the centre and reduce congestion problems.
To the rear of the bank an arcade of shops were created which front onto Scotland Road and Leeds Road.
It contained an octagonal banking chamber lit by a glass dome in centre of a richly decorated ceiling.
Accessible from Scotland Road was five public rooms and access to the 50 foot clock tower.
By 2008 the Bank had changed to Abby National.

Union Bank opened 17th November 1911
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N1 Leeds /21
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