Clitheroe Golf Club Committee

Clitheroe Golf Club Committee
Clitheroe Golf Club Committee
Clitheroe Golf Club Committee
Clitheroe Golf Club Committee
Back Row: Messrs H Boothman, W Lupton, B E Jones, H Cook, T Clough, A Denham. Centre: Messrs G Garstang, G Wilkinson, F D Hay, D Lister, H Hartley, F B Mitchell. Front: Misses Duerden and Patchett, Mr J T Thornber, Mrs T Wilkinson, Mrs Asman, Mrs G Garstang
The committee posed outside the club-house on 13th Aug 1921. Back Row: Messrs H Boothman, W Lupton, B E Jones, H Cook, T Clough, A Denham. Centre: Messrs G Garstang, G Wilkinson, F D Hay, D Lister, H Hartley, F B Mitchell. Front: Misses Duerden and Patchett, Mr J T Thornber, Mrs T Wilkinson, Mrs Asman, Mrs G Garstang
Photographic print
10.35 x 16.68
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Clitheroe Cabinet C25
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