Opeing Ceremony, Westfield Memorial Village, Lancaster

Opeing Ceremony, Westfield Memorial Village, Lancaster
Opeing Ceremony, Westfield Memorial Village, Lancaster
Opeing Ceremony, Westfield Memorial Village, Lancaster
Opeing Ceremony, Westfield Memorial Village, Lancaster
Field Marshall Haig
Westfield Village was opened by Field Marshall Haig.

"The village was the design of Thomas Mawson, the landscape gardener whose own son had served with the 1st/5th King's Own and killed in 1915. The land on which the village is built was the estate of Sir Thomas Storey and was given by his family through his son, Herbert L Storey of Bailrigg, Lancaster."

From http://www.kingsownmuseum.plus.com/ 14/04/2015.

The memorial was unveiled two years later in August 1926.
Photographic print
14.94 x 11.73
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