Waterfall at Barrowford

Waterfall at Barrowford
Waterfall at Barrowford
Waterfall at Barrowford
Waterfall at Barrowford
This weir fed the mill dam for Old Mill. The mill is said to be one of the oldest in Lancashire and was used as a water powered fulling mill in the 14th century. (Shackleton: The textile mills of Pendle and their steam engines. p 103). In 1784 the weir was enlarged and the mill converted to a spinning mill. Steam power was installed in the 1820's. In 1924 the mill was bought by the Council and demolished in 1932. The mill dam is now the duck pond in Barrowford park. In the background can be seen the Old Barn which is part of the Heritage Centre .
Stanley Bracewell Collection Box 21 slide 539
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