Philip Morrell, Liberal M.P. Burnley, 1910 - 1918

Philip Morrell, Liberal M.P. Burnley, 1910 - 1918
Philip Morrell, Liberal M.P. Burnley, 1910 - 1918
Philip Morrell, Liberal M.P. Burnley, 1910 - 1918
iBase ID
Reference identifier
Philip Morrell, Liberal M.P. Burnley, 1910 - 1918
Personal names
Philip Morrell, Lady Ottoline Morrell, Gerald Arbuthnot, Henry Hyndman
General notes
Philip Morrell's family made their fortune in the Lion Brewery Oxford. Born in 1870, Morrell was an Eton and Oxford educated solicitor who, was previously Liberal M.P. for Henley from 1906 to January 1910, before, in December 1910, he won the Burnley seat by a majority of 173 from Conservative Gerald Arbuthnot, Socialist Henry Hyndman's share of the vote declined. Due to the outbreak of World War One this was the last election until 1918 when all men, and women over 30 had the vote. Morrell didn't stand again. He and his wife were left wing Liberals, patrons of the arts and theirs was an unconventional open marriage. During the war Morrell was part of the Union of Democratic Control a significant anti-war group. He died in 1943.
Photographic print
Original image size
11.3 x 15.3
Year of image
1910 ca.
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