Lathom House, Lathom

Lathom House, Lathom
Lathom House, Lathom
Lathom House, Lathom
Lathom House, Lathom
The stone-built castle known as Lathom House, built by the Stanley family in 1496, had eighteen towers, and was surrounded by a wall six foot thick and a moat eight yards wide, its drawbridge defended by a gateway tower. In the centre of the site was a tall tower known as the Eagle Tower, a look out post.Lathom House was the last Royalist stronghold in Lancashire during the English Civil War and was twice besieged by Parliamentarian forces. The Countess brought supplies from surrounding estates to withstand a seige and she defended the house with 300 men. Prince Rupert eventually relieved the seige and went on to attack Bolton. After a brief period as a boys school, the main block of the house demolished in 1925 and now NSG Pilkington R and D labs stand in its place.
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