Smile by Ava Jolliffe aged 13 of Broughton

Smile by Ava Jolliffe aged 13 of Broughton
Smile by Ava Jolliffe aged 13 of Broughton
Smile by Ava Jolliffe aged 13 of Broughton
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Smile by Ava Jolliffe aged 13 of Broughton
General notes
Ava, like many of us has struggled to keep positive during isolation. This piece is called ‘Smile’, and it expresses how difficult it has been for her keep smiling throughout the last few months.

Lancashire Covid 19 Archive
In April 2020, Lancashire Archives launched a project to collect and share the experiences of Lancashire residents during the Covid 19 pandemic. We asked people to send us anything they wanted to share, and we had an incredible response. Poems, diaries, photographs, artwork, videos, sound recordings all arrived, sent in by all ages from pre-schoolers to nonagenarians.
Find out more via the web link below.
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