Holcombe Hunt Meet at The White Horse Inn, Helmshore

Holcombe Hunt Meet at The White Horse Inn, Helmshore
Holcombe Hunt Meet at The White Horse Inn, Helmshore
Holcombe Hunt Meet at The White Horse Inn, Helmshore
iBase ID
Reference identifier
BW 787 Haslingden
Holcombe Hunt Meet at The White Horse Inn, Helmshore
Helmshore Road, Helmshore
General notes
The White Horse Inn (later Chico's, later Anacapri, now being converted to houses), can be seen to the left with the building of the housing in the background underway.
The Holcombe Hunt has taken place since as far back as the 11th century and still takes place to this day but generally meets at The Holden Arms when seeking a Rossendale location. More information can be found here: http://holcombehunt.com/history.htm

Mario map GIS is the approximate point on Holcombe road from which the photo must have been taken.
Photographic print
Year of image
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If the original image is sought at Haslingden library, it is filed under W.268 Hol
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