Book cover - "The Youngest Girl in the Fifth", Angela Brazil

Book cover - "The Youngest Girl in the Fifth", Angela Brazil
Book cover - "The Youngest Girl in the Fifth", Angela Brazil
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Book cover - "The Youngest Girl in the Fifth", Angela Brazil
General notes
The book this image comes from was used in a display of material from the Spencer Collection at the Harris Library, Museum and Art Gallery in Preston from October-November 2012. This collection of children's books is of national significance. It was collected by John Henry Spencer (1875-1952), a distinguished local historian and book collector, and was donated to the Harris Library in the late 1940s and early 1950s. It comprises children's books published during the late eighteenth century up to the present day. The collection also contains approximately four hundred chap books.

This book was published in London by Blackie and Son in 1913. Angela Brazil was born in Preston in 1868 and is well-known for her schoolgirl fiction. AsThe Cambridge Guide to Women's Writing in English puts it, "Mention the girls' school story, and the first name that springs to everyone's mind is that of Angela Brazil" .
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