Soldiers at 'Euston Barracks', Fleetwood (Image 2)

Soldiers at 'Euston Barracks', Fleetwood (Image 2)
Soldiers at 'Euston Barracks', Fleetwood (Image 2)
Soldiers at 'Euston Barracks', Fleetwood 
(Image 2)
Soldiers at 'Euston Barracks', Fleetwood
(Image 2)
The 87th Foot Ulster Regiment outside the Barracks.

The North Euston Hotel, which was originally opened in 1841, was sold to the Government in 1859 and became a school of musketry until reverting back to a hotel at the dawn of the 20th Century.

" Soon hutments and barracks were erected and Fleetwood became a garrison town, the hotel becoming known as the Euston Barracks......For a short time the Euston stood empty and derelict, but it was eventually purchased by a small group of businessmen who opened it as an hotel just before the turn of the century."

From 'Fleetwood: a town is born' by Bill Curtis, 1986 (p.47)
Photographic print
16.5 x 12.2 cm
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Armed Forces
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