Martholme Manor House, Great Harwood

Martholme Manor House, Great Harwood
Martholme Manor House, Great Harwood
Martholme Manor House, Great Harwood
Martholme Manor House, Great Harwood
Great Harwood
Great Harwood has a manor house, built in the reign of Queen Elizabeth I in the year 1577, It was the time when the Lords of the Manor carried out their own code of justice on the local law breakers, which was dispensed at the Gatehouse seen on the right of the picture. It was here that tenants were required - "to do and perform their several rents, suits and services according to the custom of the Manor" , The lords of the Manor who resided at Martholme were the Fitton's and the Hesketh's. To see the Manor House (now a private residence), turn right off Whalley Road at Cop Hall Cafe, proceed down the lane to the railway viaduct, where the Manor House is directly opposite.
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