Victoria Park, Nelson

Victoria Park, Nelson
Victoria Park, Nelson
Victoria Park, Nelson
Victoria Park, Nelson
Photograph shows the bridge over Pendle water in Victoria Park. In 1886 a local act was passed giving Nelson Local Board the power to create recreation grounds. In May of that year an agreement was signed with Mr Every-Clayton for the purchase of 20 acres for recreation grounds adjacent to Carr Road and east of Pendle Water. Of this 8 acres were for a public park . The bridge carries the date stone for 1914. A bridge appears on the 1893 1:2500 Ordnance Survey map and a Pendle Council publication on the Carr Road Conservation area (Carr Hall Road Conservation Area; character appraisal. 2010.) stated that a bridge had been recently contructed to replace a ford.
Stanley Bracewell Collection Box 33 slide 1074
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