C.H.A. Walking group near Whalley

C.H.A. Walking group near Whalley
C.H.A. Walking group near Whalley
C.H.A. Walking group near Whalley
C.H.A. Walking group near Whalley
The Countrywide Holiday Association was originally the Co-operative Holidays Association (CHA)
which was formed by Thomas Arthur Leonard in 1893. Leonard was a Congregationalist minister in Colne during the 1890s and pioneered the provision of ‘rational’ holidays for working people at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries. Together with the Holiday Fellowship (also founded by Leonard) it provided the opportunity for all workers to enjoy healthy holidays in the countryside. Groups sprang up all over the country and many are still active today.
Stanley Bracewell Collection Box 34 slide 1109
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