St Christopher's Church, Churches Procession, 1972 Preston Guild, Preston

St Christopher's Church, Churches Procession, 1972 Preston Guild, Preston
St Christopher's Church, Churches Procession, 1972 Preston Guild, Preston
St Christopher's Church, Churches Procession, 1972 Preston Guild, Preston
St Christopher's Church, Churches Procession, 1972 Preston Guild, Preston
Suzanne Walton
This image was loaned by Mrs Pat Walton of the Lea Women's Institute in Preston in April 2012. It shows St Christopher's Church, Lea in the Churches Procession during 1972 Preston Guild celebrations. They are representing Moses and Israelites on Mount Zion. Her daughter Suzanne is wearing the red and white striped headgear on the left of the picture. She was indignant about wearing what she called a "teatowel" on her head!
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