Clitheroe Water Works Inspection

Clitheroe Water Works Inspection
Clitheroe Water Works Inspection
Clitheroe Water Works Inspection
iBase ID
Reference identifier
Clitheroe Water Works Inspection
West Bradford, Clitheroe
Personal names
E Jones (BT Staff), H G Booth (surveyor), G Todd (Borough Electrician), Goodman (Borough Surveyor), H Wrigey (BT Staff), H A Whiteside (A&T Reporter), F Dugdale A&T Reporter), T R Carus (Water Inspector), T Geenwoood, T Aldersley BT Staff), J H Taylor (Borough Treasurer) W? (surveyor (?)), J Sagar (Rent Collertor) T Hargreaves ( Borough) W Wilkinson (Councillor), F Bentham (Councillor), S Dewhurst (Councillor), R P?, J Satterthwaite (Councillor), A Blezzard (Ex Borough Surveyor), G Hargreaves (Councillor), J Thornber (Councillor Old), W W Whiteside (Alderman), R Manly (Councillor), I Rushton (Councillor (ex librarian), W Pinder (Councillor), H Cook (Councillor), M ?
General notes
Clitheroe Water Works was set up following a cholera out break and a report by Mr. B.H. Babbage in 1849. This created a reservoir in West Bradford village, and gradually stopped the use of the three wells in the Clitheroe. The location of the photograph is unknown.
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