James Procter - Mayor of Scotforth

James Procter - Mayor of Scotforth
James Procter - Mayor of Scotforth
James Procter - Mayor of Scotforth
iBase ID
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James Procter - Mayor of Scotforth
Personal names
James Procter
General notes
Scotforth is a parish and township to the east Of Lancaster, that once streched from the Lancaster canal at South Road to Galgate but which was gradually subsumed into Lancaster during the 20th century.
The only reference to the 'Mayor of Scotforth' we have found is an apparently satirical letter to the Lancaster Gazette from June 14th 1890:

We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions or statements of our correspondents


To the Editor of the Lancaster Gazette

Dear Mr. Editor, - I am such an insignificant place myself - seldom have painters portrayed or poets sung my praise - that if I had not been placed under the shadow of the walls of time honoured Lancaster, I believe I should have been entirely ignored. But during the past week, I have been sadly cut up and have been somewhat enlighten; so not being desirous of hiding my light under a bushel, but of placing it upon a candlestick, that it may be better seen and known, I have taken upon myself to sound my own praise. Now I cannot boast myself of any long lines of illustrious personages as some poor insignificant villages of half my size or importance can, yet I do late claim to a few remarkable and somewhat notable individuals. Few persons who have been honoured by being elected to serve the office of mayor of any town, can equal the length of service rendered by the worthy individual who at present holds the reigns of government in our midst. I allude to Mr. James Proctor, mayor of Scotforth, who has for upwards of twenty years devoted himself faithfully to the arduous functions of his high office. Not only is he held in high respect by all who claim to have any dealings with him, but he is generally looked upon with a certain degree of authority, by the inhabitants far and wide, as a practical medical practitioner, not only among the human population, but also as a clever horse doctor and farrier. His worshipful the mayor of Scotforth has now reached seventy-one years of age, and is still active in all movements. As a proof of his abilities, I think it is only just and right to state, what (as people will allow to be) is a remarkable undertaking. Among other branches of labour he possesses that of sheep washing, and on Thursday, June 5th, he undertook to wash 404 sheep, which he accomplished to the satisfaction of the owners, without any assistance save that which was absolutely necessary, to hand the sheep to him. The time occupied for this great feat of sheep washing was performed in the almost incredible time of four hours. Surely this is something to be proud of, and to claim a position of standing among some of my neighbours, who have so often posted for themselves such great achievements - Yours, &e., SCOTFORTH"
Photographic print
Original image size
10.8 x 16.79
Sam Thompson photographs - book 2
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