Steam Engines at Rosegrove, Burnley

Steam Engines at Rosegrove, Burnley
Steam Engines at Rosegrove, Burnley
Steam Engines at Rosegrove, Burnley
Steam Engines at Rosegrove, Burnley
Four steam engines waiting at Rosegrove station. These include numbers 48393, 48773, 48727 and 48423.
A view of Rose Grove engine shed yard taken from the top of the coaling tower. This photo was taken on 4th August 1968, the last day of steam operation on the main lines of British Railways. Rose Grove, Lostock Hall near Preston and Carnforth were the last three depots to use steam engines in the country. These were the last locomotives to leave Rosegrove engine shed, which was one of the last three to be demolished in the late 1960's. In its hey day the shed had a capacity for 50 engines.The engine 48773 (with the (yellow)stripe on the cab side) is preserved on the Severn Valley Railway.
Photo courtesy of Tony Mitchell.
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16.7 x 11.3
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N34: Rosegrove
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