'Old Pepper' and 'Old Bias', Lancaster Buskers

'Old Pepper' and 'Old Bias', Lancaster Buskers
'Old Pepper' and 'Old Bias', Lancaster Buskers
'Old Pepper' and 'Old Bias', Lancaster Buskers
'Old Pepper' and 'Old Bias', Lancaster Buskers
Pepper and Bias, John Taylor, Tobias Hadwin
John Taylor (Old Pepper) and Tobias Hadwin (Old Bias) were a duo of buskers who entertained in front of Lancaster Town Hall. "Here is a characteristic photograph of a well-known Lancaster character of a couple of decades ago. He was known as "Old Bias, " and made his living by playing a concertina. Another character was "Old Pepper," and he played the cornet*. When they were out together they caused much laughter, particularly in their "illuminating moments."
Lancaster Guardian 12/10/1934
*The only photo we have of 'Old Pepper' performing show him playing 'the bones'. It could be that here the Guardian has confused him with Crossley alias 'Blowhard', another local busker who played the cornet.
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