Unionist Fete, Bank Hall Burnley 20 June 1908

Unionist Fete, Bank Hall Burnley 20 June 1908
Unionist Fete, Bank Hall Burnley 20 June 1908
Unionist Fete, Bank Hall Burnley  20 June 1908
Unionist Fete, Bank Hall Burnley 20 June 1908
Gerald Arbuthnot, Mrs. Arbuthnot, Sir John Thursby, Lady Thursby, Sir Ian Malcolm, Jeanne Langtry, Lillie Langtry, Philip Morell
On 20th June 1908, Sir John and Lady Thursby invited the public to the grounds of Bank Hall for a "demonstration", organised by the Conservative and Unionist Parties, which was to include Morris Dancing, sports, gymnastic displays, refreshments etc. and speeches. On a sunny day approximately 4,000 people were said to have attended. The Burnley Express of 24th June 1908 had a full report including the speeches verbatim. Guest speaker was Ian Malcom, described by Sir John as "one of the rising young men" of the Conservative Party who had come from London specially, as had Sir John, who had sacrificed the King's Garden Party at Windsor to attend. After Ian Malcolm, Gerald Arbuthnot, despite feeling unwell, also spoke, until he felt too ill to continue. After the speeches, there were sports, including "Needle threading race (ladies)", the Bank Hall Brass Band took the stage and played for dancing into the evening. The speaker just in the image on the left is Ian Malcolm (1868-1944) later Sir Ian, 17th Laird of Poltalloch, who had lost his Stowmarket seat in 1906 but in 1910 won Croydon and was an M.P. until 1919. He was married to Jeanne Langtry daughter of famous actress Lillie Langtry. Gerald Arbuthnot, Conservative candidate for Burnley is shown seated at the front right with the straw boater. Arbuthnot became M.P. for Burnley from January to December 1910, when he lost to the Liberal Philip Morell. He died in action in 1916. The only lady shown on the platform, is Mrs. Arbuthnot.
See also 274572 and 3; 274350 for Arbuthnot; 267555 for Bank Hall
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